Internet of things

No business can afford to be complacent about the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. This innovative technology is creating new opportunities for businesses to push the boundaries and deliver new, disruptive services ahead of their rivals.

The Internet of Things, or IoT as it’s rapidly become known, is one of the biggest growth areas in Mobile, today.

Many of you will know M2M, or Machine to Machine to give it its full title, but in recent years, it’s no longer just about machines talking to machines. It’s now about almost everything on the planet being connected, via the Internet of Things. And as many of these connected “Things” are in a mobile environment, they require Mobile SIMs to complete the connectivity process.

IoT isn’t just the next big thing, it’s set to see massive growth with an additional 20 billion SIMs being connected over the next 5 years. That’s an 1800% growth rate on where we are today.

So what’s driving the growth? What are these “Connected Things”? Well the simple answer is that companies are connecting literally everything to the internet and they’re doing this in order to obtain more data and drive a more accurate and timely decision-making process.

With bespoke, flexible packages and the O2 networks behind us, we can give your customers the best 4G coverage in the UK including SIMs with roaming features across all networks and the ability to customise and bespoke your tariff to create the right package for your customers.

Via the Portal you have the ability to request the SIM Type. There are three types of SIM to choose from as follows:

We use standard plastic in both Mini and Micro sizes.

With enhanced silicon capabilities and a high temperature plastic housing. We can measure a longer lifespan and reliable performance in harsh conditions.

For use in a surface mount machine for placement directly onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB’s); for use in harsh environments, or in solutions with space or security constraints.

Monitor and control the functionality and performance of the SIM.

All of our Network Plans, with the exception of UK One Net, are linked to the Control Centre support module. This module is part of the IoT menu allowing you to report, administer, fault find, and manage IoT SIMs.

With the control centre you can quickly see and manage all of your customer’s IoT SIMs giving you the ability to:

• Automate provisioning of SIM cards.
• Perform near real time diagnostics.
• Manage inventory and generate reports.
• Set up business rules and custom alerts.
• Manage rate plan assignment.

The diagram below provides an overview of the key sectors and application groups for IoT connectivity. This is not an all-encompassing list of applications.


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